Nationwide Implantable Device Lawsuits

If You or a Loved One Was Harmed by a Defective Medical Implant, Call (909) 345-8110 Now!

Tens of millions of people across the United States have medical devices implanted in their bodies. Ranging from heart defibrillators to hip implants, these devices perform key functions to support patients’ mobility and their very lives. These devices should work properly. If they do not, they may threaten patients whose lives they were meant to improve or save.

McCune Law Group represents patients across the country in class actions and individual lawsuits involving defective implantable devices, including:

  • Artificial hips and knees
  • Coronary stents
  • Defibrillators
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  • Pacemakers
  • Spine screws, rods, and artificial discs
  • Surgical mesh

Contact a defective medical device lawyer at (909) 345-8110 for a free review of your case.

Inadequate Testing & Implantable Medical Devices

One of the primary issues with implantable medical devices, and medical devices of all kinds, is that they are not subject to the same testing requirements and clinical trials as those required for prescription drugs. In many cases, manufacturers simply file paperwork with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and pay a fee. They then begin selling their product, sometimes to the detriment of unsuspecting patients.

At McCune Law Group, we are committed to holding the manufacturers of defective and dangerous implantable devices accountable. We handle cases involving inadequate testing, improper marketing, design defects, and defects in manufacturing that cause patients to suffer serious harm. These are highly technical cases, but we are experienced in handling lawsuits in the medical field. Our medical device injury attorneys also involve professional investigators and medical experts so we have a complete, clear picture of how the manufacturer may be held liable. We have been representing consumers across the U.S. for over 30 years.

Put your case in our competent hands. Call (909) 345-8110 today to get started with a free consultation!

How We Can Help